

  • We write config files using Terraform for both our Kubernetes Cluster or Apps
  • Some of these files must be pushed to different git repos
    • Just following GitOps for kubernetes and dynamic config repos


So far, I have the following:

  • Generate the configs:
# https://stackguides.com/questions/36629367/getting-an-environment-variable-in-terraform-configuration/36672931#36672931

locals {
  carCrdInstance = {
    apiVersion = "car.io/v1"
    kind       = "Car"
    metadata = {
      name = "super-car"
    spec = {
      convertible = "true"
      color = "black"

  # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/deploy_tokens/#git-clone-a-repository
  clone_location = "${path.module}/.gitops"
  branch = "feature/crds-setup"

resource "null_resource" "git_clone" {
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "git clone --branch ${local.branch} https://${var.username}:${var.GITLAB_CLONE_TOKEN}@gitlab.example.com/tanuki/awesome_project.git ${local.clone_location}"

resource "local_file" "cert_manager_cluster_issuer_object" {
  content  = yamlencode(local.cert_issuer)
  filename = "${git_repo.configs.destination}/crds/instances/white-convertible.yaml"

  # https://stackguides.com/questions/52421656/terraform-execute-script-before-lambda-creation/52422595#52422595
  depends_on = ["null_resource.git_clone"]

  # https://stackguides.com/questions/7149984/how-do-i-execute-a-git-command-without-being-in-the-repository/35899275#35899275
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "git -C ${local.clone_location} commit -am ':new: updating cars...'"

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "git -C ${local.clone_location} push origin ${local.branch}'"

Is there anything like that?

  • I haven't tested this above, but I'm looking for something that allows me to do that
Could you step back a little and explain what you're trying to achieve please? This feels very much like an X Y problem and there might be a much better way to handle this.ydaetskcoR
Thank you for the question @ydaetskcoR... I intend to use through a GitOps pipeline using ArgoCD... This is to maintain most of the Kubernetes state (System and Application Level). So, I will be generating configs for the various systems that depend on the Cloud-specific host (EKS, Google, Azure) ... Say I create a certificate in AWS; then I need to setup the LB with the ARN of the cert... Having a Kustomize template for all apps with that value, I would just push that the current metadata change to the Github repo ArgoCD syncs all my apps from (versioned way). Does it make sense now?Marcello de Sales
There are other applications such as updating a CRD with those values, which in turn can mutate any K8s object depending on its type, permissions, etc... It's just a natural flow and separation of what needs to be setup by Terraform and what needs to be setup by regular Kubernetes and where the values come from. A more decoupled way to avoid Terraform dealing with the actual k8s objects, but rather creating needed data for ArgoCD to update.Marcello de Sales
@MarcellodeSales Did you ever find a solution that was to your liking? I'd be interested to know.siwyd

1 Answers


How can I perform a git clone, commit, push using terraform?

Should we just use shell?

Terraform is a good tool - it is best for provisioning immutable infrastructure. Shell script might also have its place, but when you can, it is preferably to use a more declarative approach.

What you describe with "git clone, commit, push" is essentially some of the steps that is commonly done in something like a Build or Deployment Pipeline. Terraform might be a good tool to use in some of the steps, but it is not the best tool to orchestrate the full workflow, in my point of view.

A tool made for orchestrating pipeline workflows might be best for this, like e.g.