
Azure AD B2C is a pretty cool feature that provides signup/signin functionality. I can't figure out how to customize the sign up page in the custom user flows section specifically though. Using this link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/custom-policy-ui-customization I customized the login page by styling what Azure injects into the div of id api. On that default page, it also has a don't have an account? Sign up 'here'. I don't see a place to put in a resource for the sign up page though. Does anyone know how to customize the sign up page specifically, in addition to how I've customized the login?

By the way, I'm using Netlify to host the login page. I am not using blob storage that they use in the link I referenced. Any help would be great! Thank you!


1 Answers


Sign up page is another individual page, if you want to custom it, you can find its ContentDefinitions by id:api.localaccountsignup just as below:

enter image description here

You can specify your custom sign up page URL at LoadUri tag.

if you are using B2C custom policy, just follow this guide to do that: , if you are just using B2C Built-in user flows, you can specify your custom sign up URL here: enter image description here