I developing a project using Zend framework and I came across the following problem. I'm using Zend framework MVC folder structure generated using their zf.sh script.
My library folder has the Zend library folder and it's classes can be called normally inside the application. I created another folder inside my library for my classes. This is the folder structure now:
I named my Donation class "Buyers_Donations" as the Zend framework naming convention.
When I tried using this class inside my controller
$obj= new Buyers_Donation();
it gave an error can not find class Buyers_Donation inside the controller.
But when I added the following line in my Bootstrap it worked:
$loader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();
$moduleLoder = new Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader(
Could someone please explain what actually happened and what is the use of the module autoloader although I don't have any modules in my application ?