
Could anyone explain how a MSFT Oauth2 client scope with a URI of https://outlook.office.com (needed for SMTP AUTH or IMAP, for example) can be specified in a corresponding AAD permission when outlook.office.com is not listed in the resource API list ?

MSFT push Graph (which does have e.g. an SMTP AUTH permission), but they have confirmed that SMTP AUTH and IMAP are implemented only in the outlook resource API. Testing confirms this: if the client uses a scope of https://graph.microsoft.com/SMTP.Send and an AAD Microsoft Graph permission of SMTP.Send, authentication fails. The acid test lies is the ‘aud’ claim in the Access token: if it is “00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000” (aka Graph) authentication fails whereas an ‘aud’ of https://outlook.office.com will succeed (other things being equal).

I would have thought naively that the client scopes and AAD permissions resource API should have the same URI.

I can’t see how granular permissions – where the AAD permissions are a superset of the client’s scopes and clients ask for the minimum they need at the time they need it – can work if I cannot specify the superset in AAD!

I have asked MSFT for enlightenment but no response.


Additional tests: If AAD Graph permissions are null and the client scope is just https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send, the access token has an ‘aud’ of https://outlook.office.com and an ‘scp’ of SMTP.Send, and authentication is OK.

But if the client scope also contains a Graph scope such as Mail.Send, ‘aud’ changes to 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 (aka Graph) and subsequent authentication fails with ‘incorrect credentials’. I would have expected a “scope asking for one token for two different resources” type error message from the token endpoint.

And, as would be expected, if the client scope is just SMTP.Send (or https://graph.microsoft.com/SMTP.Send; the Graph URI prefix being now the default) authentication fails with ‘incorrect credentials’

These are using the V2 authorisation and token endpoints – as recommended by MSFT.


Further comments in response: @Allen Wu - I cannot find IMAP.AccessAsUser.All, POP.AccessAsUser.All and SMTP.Send listed under Exchange (API permissions => + Add a permission => Request API permissions /Microsoft APIs => Exchange or under Office 365 Exchange Online (API permissions => + Add a permission => Request API permissions / APIs my organization uses => Office 365 Exchange Online) . They are only listed under Graph. This leads to the weird situations that:

  • if a client uses (e.g.) SMTP.Send (or https://graph.microsoft.com/SMTP.Send) scope, authentication fails even though MSFT instruct (vide your last link) that the corresponding permission must be registered in Graph
  • if a client uses (e.g.) https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send scope (as instructed by MSFT), the client cannot add further https://outlook.office.com permissions (because the resource API is not listed) or use additional Graph scopes (because authentication fails and it would appear to be asking for one token to cover two APIs anyway)

Vide your comment “We see that the permissions are under Microsoft Graph in the Azure portal, but in fact the same has been added to the outlook endpoint”, MSFT could pre-empt much confusion (other StackOverflow posters have logged similar problems) if they simply listed the outlook.office.com API in AAD API permissions until Graph accessed a complete set of endpoints as well as permissions. I realise they want developers to use Graph, but the present situation is akin to being half-pregnant!


1 Answers


In this case, you just need to select the Microsoft graph permissions (SMTP AUTH or IMAP).

Currently when you need to get an access token, you can specify the scope as https://outlook.office.com/{SMTP AUTH or IMAP permission}.

I think the permissions are still in change. The Outlook permissions should be included in Microsoft Graph in the future.