I have a application that can run in multiple instances on the same computer. Then I also have a smaller program that on starup most connect to the existing instances(on the same computer) of the main application. Some data will be transfared to establish what instance the smaller program should coninue to talk to.
Named pipes with WCF seems to be the way to go?
If I got it right the named pipes works more or less the same way as if I was bulding a Server/Client WCF application.
The problem I see is how to connect to the multiple instances? In regular WCF application you will know the path to the service but in this case there coulde be more then one?
I know that the new WCF supports some kind of broadcasting so the clients do not have to use a specific path but can instead listen on the net and find the service to connect to. Is this possible with named pipes?
Pleas advice