
Firstly is this possible?

I have two issues - the fist is that I cannot get the groups to appear in the TListView when creating at run time. I'm using the following code:

lg := lvResults.Groups.Add;
lg.Header := 'New Starters';
lg.GroupID := 0;

The second is that even if I create groups at design time - I can see them in the form designer - they are absent in at run time - even before I refresh the data to add my own Items...

Additional: I have confirmed the answer below works on a virgin project. However it fails in the Project where I want to use it! I have replaced my TListView with a new one from the palette and no joy. The list view is on a tpagecontrol

Solution was that the Project had "Enable Runtime themes" disabled - without which Groups apparantly don't workDan Kelly
that makes sense. It would have been daft to have backported them to Windows Classic.David Heffernan
@DanKelly What adverse affect does enabling "Enable Runtime themes" have, if any?HappyCoding

1 Answers


The code below results in visible groups. Are you perhaps forgetting to set GroupView to True?

procedure TMyForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Group: TListGroup;
  Item: TListItem;
  ListView1.ViewStyle := vsReport;
  ListView1.GroupView := True;
  ListView1.Columns.Add.Caption := 'My column';
  Group := ListView1.Groups.Add;
  Group.Header := 'My header';
  Item := ListView1.Items.Add;
  Item.GroupID := Group.GroupID;
  Item.Caption := 'My item';

There is an code example in the Delphi documentation.