I created a game called JumpyMan.
I created game mechanics like moving right and left, jumping and falling down.
Because the game was not that good looking I added some character animation(sprites), when you press Key D
, the animation starts and character is moving in right direction.
But, when i press Key A
, the character moves in left direction but the animation is not starting. When i press both keys in the same time, the left animation starts but my character stands still.
What i could do to fix this bug?
Here's my code: https://github.com/zewutz/jumpyman ( All the images needed are in github repo )
import pygame
import os
from pygame import Surface
from pygame.transform import scale
#Screen, title/icon and clock
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1366,650))
iconImg = pygame.image.load('resources\images\jumpyman\stationary\statright.png')
iconImg = pygame.transform.scale(iconImg,(100,128))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
backgroundImage = pygame.image.load('resources\images\Imgbackground\jumpymanbackground.jpg')
backgroundCoord = (0,-350)
#Player sprites
left = [None]*10
for picIndex in range(1,10):
left[picIndex-1] = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('resources\images\jumpyman\imgleft', "L" + str(picIndex) + ".png"))
picIndex += 1
right = [None]*10
for picIndex in range(1,10):
right[picIndex-1] = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('resources\images\jumpyman\imgright', "Run__00" + str(picIndex) + ".png"))
picIndex += 1
# Player
playerImg = pygame.image.load('resources\images\jumpyman\stationary\statright.png')
smallerImage = pygame.transform.scale(playerImg, (50,100))
x = 10
y = 460
vel_x = 5
vel_y = 15
jump = False
move_left = False
move_right = False
stepIndex = 0
def characterMovementX():
global stepIndex
if stepIndex >= 9:
stepIndex = 0
if move_left:
screen.blit(left[stepIndex], (x,y))
stepIndex += 1
elif move_right:
screen.blit(right[stepIndex], (x,y))
stepIndex += 1
#Game loop
game = True
while game:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
game = False
#Move left, right
userInput = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if userInput[pygame.K_a] and x > 5 :
move_left = True
x -= vel_x
if userInput[pygame.K_d] and x < 1280:
move_right = True
x += vel_x
move_left = False
move_right = False
stepIndex = 0
if jump is False and userInput[pygame.K_SPACE]:
jump = True
if jump:
y -= vel_y
vel_y -= 1
if vel_y < -15:
jump = False
vel_y = 15