
I'm getting deeper into generics and now have a situation I need help with. I get a compile error on the 'Derived' class below as shown in the subject title. I see many other posts similar to this one but I'm not seeing the relationship. Can someone tell me how to resolve this?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Example
    public class ViewContext
        ViewContext() { }

    public interface IModel

    public interface IView<T> where T : IModel 
        ViewContext ViewContext { get; set; }

    public class SomeModel : IModel
        public SomeModel() { }
        public int ID { get; set; }

    public class Base<T> where T : IModel

        public Base(IView<T> view)

    public class Derived<SomeModel> : Base<SomeModel> where SomeModel : IModel

        public Derived(IView<SomeModel> view)
            : base(view)
            SomeModel m = (SomeModel)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(SomeModel));
            Service<SomeModel> s = new Service<SomeModel>();

    public class Service<SomeModel> where SomeModel : IModel
        public Service()

        public void Work(SomeModel m)

I don't get any compile errorsRazor
This code doesn't show that error. Compiles cleanly.Marc Gravell♦

3 Answers


I can't repro, but I suspect that in your actual code there is a constraint somewhere that T : class - you need to propagate that to make the compiler happy, for example (hard to say for sure without a repro example):

public class Derived<SomeModel> : Base<SomeModel> where SomeModel : class, IModel
                                                                 see this bit

You get this error if you have constrained T to being a class


If you put constrains on a generic class or method, every other generic class or method that is using it need to have "at least" those constrains.