
Here is my sbatch file:

#SBATCH --output=stata_example.out
#SBATCH --error=stata_example.err
#SBATCH --nodes=1

module load stata
stata do stata_example.do

But it always returns with error: stata: command not found. I have tried with "stata-mp" or "stata-se" "stata-ic", or "stata -b stata_example.do". but it returns same error information. Can anyone help with that?

Try the full path of the command. You see it with type stada.TheSlater
Is the module load command issue an error?damienfrancois
I tried adding the full path to stata but it returns with Exit Code 126 "Permission Denied"Ssay_lee
I have no problem using 'module load'. I typed module list it will return "1) Stata"Ssay_lee

1 Answers


Even if you type in module list and Stata comes up, you may need to identify the appropriate path.

In my case, it is module load sloan/stata/15/mp

I would suggest you contact the administrator to find out what the appropriate path is.