It seems "Azure Application Insights" not recording all the requests on high traffic environment.
For example when we testing the .Net Core2.1 Web API app which is deployed on "Azure Service Fabric" with 10,000 requests for the period of 30 mins, can able to retrieve details of all the requests from "Azure Application Insights" via KQL using datetime stamp as filter, no problem.
When we increase the load to 100,000 requests for the period of 30 mins, only around 5-10% of the requests get recorded on "Azure Application Insights".
Why "Azure Application Insights" misses ingest/recording on high traffic environment which serves approximately 60 requests/second ?
Any extra configuration required? (or) Below one line code to ingest details of requests served by Azure Service Fabric service, is not enough? please clarify
SDK used,
Code used on Azure Service Fabric for ingestion
return new WebHostBuilder().UseHttpSys()
services => services
.AddSingleton<ServiceFabricAppContext>(new ServiceFabricAppContext(){
NodeName = serviceContext.NodeContext.NodeName,
} )
.AddSingleton<ITelemetryInitializer>((serviceProvider) => FabricTelemetryInitializerExtension.CreateFabricTelemetryInitializer(serviceContext))) // Azure Service Fabric Telemetry Initializer
.UseServiceFabricIntegration(listener, ServiceFabricIntegrationOptions.None)
Sample query with item count