I am trying to migrate a Scala application (Play framework) using Sendgrid to Amazon SES. I have a registered domain in SES and am trying to send email via the SMTP interface. I went through the console and generated an IAM user with SMTP username (looks like an Access Key) and SMTP password (Looks like a Secret Key ID).
I'm getting 535 Authentication Credentials Invalid
I read through and converted the Secret Access Key to an Amazon SES SMTP password using the python script at the end of https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/smtp-credentials.html. Username as the Access Key like the doc said.
My general question is:
Is my understanding of the format for username and password correct? Username is definitely the Access Key (not IAM user or something else), and the secret key gets converted?
I also tried things like URL encoding the converted password, that still didn't work. Ref: Amazon SES 535 Authentication Credentials Invalid
Here is my configuration:
play.mailer {
user="<WHAT_FORMAT_SHOULD_THIS_BE>>" <--this
password="<WHAT_FORMAT_SHOULD_THIS_BE>" <--this
from="EXAMPLE <[email protected]>"