I have 2 tables named orders and order_details.
The orders table contains the orders data like id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, etc.
And the order_details contains id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, etc.
I have made an inner join from both of this tables to gather the employee_id, quantity and unit_price from this tables.
I made this to gather the quantity * unit_price that each employee_id sold.
But I have to SUM all of the result from (quantity * unit_price) so i have the total amount that each employee sold.
This is a preview of the table:
Employee_id total_price
1 250.000
1 10.00
1 728.000
2 72.00
2 8.00
2 900.00
3 222.00
3 123.00
I would need to sum the total_price from all the employee_id so it looks like this:
Employee_id total_price
1 10222.00
2 982.00
3 339.00
This is the code I have:
select o.employee_id,
od.quantity*od.unit_price as total_price
from orders AS o
inner join order_details AS od
on o.id = od.id;
What I attempted:
select o.employee_id,
od.quantity*od.unit_price as total_price,
SUM (total_price)
from orders AS o
inner join order_details AS od
on o.id = od.id
group by employee_id;