
I have designed UserForm1. There I have ComboBox. I want to open in a module the UserForm1, choose something from ComboBox and after clicking OK in UserForm1 the ComboBox should be assigned to the variable in the module and the code should run further.

I defined public UserForm:

Public Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim TCol As Long, CCol As Long
Dim wsRoadmap As Worksheet

Set wsRoadmap = Sheets("Roadmap")

TCol = wsRoadmap.Cells(4, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column


'loop from column C to the last used column of 5th row
For CCol = 3 To TCol
    If VBA.Trim(wsRoadmap.Cells(4, CCol).Value) <> "" Then
        Me.ComboBox1.AddItem wsRoadmap.Cells(4, CCol).Value
    End If
Next CCol

End Sub

I defined public button in userform

Public Sub but2_Click()

CB1 = Me.ComboBox1.Value

End Sub

I defined public variable in the module

Public CB1 As String

When I call for userform in my module it popped up but code is running further not waiting on my selection in userform...

In the userform properties, do you have "ShowModal" set to True? If not, try that.Christofer Weber
Update your post with the code where you show the userform.Brian M Stafford

1 Answers


The solution has been provided by Christofer Weber: "In the userform properties, do you have "ShowModal" set to True? If not, try that". Thank you Chris.