
I'm creating a report in PowerBI, and need to filter out some erroneous record from my source. Its a payment table, and some records are with a future date, eg in 2799. I'd like to make a Filter to remove records after today + 1 year. I already had this filter :

= Table.SelectRows(_cobranca, each [Vencimento] >= DATA_LIMITE)

DATA_LIMITE is a parameter, and the code above is already working. I tried to change it to :

= Table.SelectRows(_cobranca, each [Vencimento] >= DATA_LIMITE and [Vencimento] <= DateTime.LocalNow())

But I'm getting this error:

DataFormat.Error: Syntax error in date in query expression '[_].[Vencimento] >= #2020-01-01 00:00:00# and [_].[Vencimento] <= #2020-10-21 10:58:07.4411693'.

It seems that DateTime.LocaNow function is not returning the date in the correct format.

Do you get the same error if you put parentheses around each inequality? I think it might be trying to and a couple of dates.Alexis Olson
@AlexisOlson, I did what you suggest, but it didn't help. It showed the same error message. It seems it removes the parenthesis when it compiles the expression.Marlon
Nah, it's probably something different then. Are they all DateTime format or are the [Vencimento] column and DATA_LIMITE just Date type?Alexis Olson

1 Answers


Replace DateTime.LocalNow() with Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()) as I assume your [Vencimento] column (due date?) is just a date data type not date time