I'm providing an external-facing REST GET API service in a kubernetes pod on AWS EKS. I had configured an ALB Ingress for this service which enforces Cognito user pool authentication. Cognito is configured with Authorization code grant
with the openid
OAuth scope enabled.
If I invoke my REST API from the browser, I get redirected to the Cognito login page. After a sucessful authentication on the form here, I can access my REST GET API just fine. This works, but this is not what I'd like to achieve.
Instead of this, I would need to use a Bearer
token, after getting successfully authenticated. So first I invoke https://cognito-idp.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com using Postman with the request:
"AuthParameters" : {
"USERNAME" : "<email>",
"PASSWORD" : "<mypass>",
"SECRET_HASH" : "<correctly calculated hash>"
"ClientId" : "<cognito user pool id>"
and I get a successful response like:
"AuthenticationResult": {
"AccessToken": "...",
"ExpiresIn": 3600,
"IdToken": "...",
"RefreshToken": "...",
"TokenType": "Bearer"
"ChallengeParameters": {}
In the last step I'm trying to invoke my REST API service passing the Authorization
HTTP header with the value Bearer <AccessToken>
but I still get a HTML response with the login page.
How can I configure Cognito to accept my Bearer token for this call as an authenticated identity?
instead ofAccessToken
– StargazerBearer <IdToken>
as well as the value of the Authorization header, but nevertheless, I get http 200 OK and an HTML response with the login page. – Kristof Jozsa