
I am getting 401 while I am accessing custom API (.NET Framework) hosted in Azure and protected with Azure AD from SPA web app (React). The access_token seems to be fine, I can easily decrpyt it in jwt.io I setup both of apps with this tutorial https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/tutorial-auth-aad?pivots=platform-windows#enable-authentication-and-authorization-for-back-end-app

Both of my apps (API and SPA) have enabled implicit grant with both tokens. Is there something I am missing ? I can authorize users, get their tokens in SPA. When I disable authentication/authorization for web api in Azure, everything is going fine.

API permissions in SPA app spa permissions

You need to post some sample code, what is called Minimum Reproducable Example.jbooker
Could you please share a screenshot of the "API permissions" tab of the registered app ?Hury Shen
I've added actual API permissionsV. Hrisenko
Could you please tell me how you get token and call the API in your react application?Jim Xu
Jim Xu : I am using /.auth/me endpoint of my web application. But I just now realized, than token which Azure returns me from this endpoint is valid, but seems to be expired (expiration time is half minute back from actual time)V. Hrisenko

1 Answers


Problem in my case was bad issuer setting in resources of protected API. By default, Azure will set it to sts.microsoft.xyzabcdefgh..., but in my case, the right issuer was login.microsoft.com/<tenant_id>/v2.0 (Issuer as it appeared in decoded access token) So I passed "iss" value from access token to Azure Resources -> My API app -> config -> authsettings -> "issuer": ""