
I'm trying to get my discord bot to randomly pick messages from a json file and send it every 5*1000 seconds the message interval is working fine earlier.But its sending the same message everytime. Where can i be going wrong?

here is the app.js

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const factDB = require("./replies.json");
const PREFIX = '!';
const client = new Discord.Client();
const fetch = require("node-fetch");

client.once('ready',() =>{

client.on('message', msg => {
            if (msg.content === '?finit') {
                const REP = require("./replies.json");
                const item = REP[Math.floor(Math.random() * REP.length)];
                setInterval(() =>{
            }, 5 * 1000);


here is the json file

        "facts": "1"

        "facts": "2"
        "facts": "3"
        "facts": "4"
        "facts": "5"

Thank you for reading.

provide a little bit more of a content to test it trough. Like a screenshot of discord messages with time intervals and etc. You time might have a too big of a gap.Thomas J.
Thank you thomas but its working now thanks to JaykeLuis Maximus

1 Answers


Your random response is generated only once when the command is being executed. You need to move the following line in the setInterval function:

const item = REP[Math.floor(Math.random() * REP.length)];

setInterval(() => {
    const item = REP[Math.floor(Math.random() * REP.length)];
}, 5 * 1000);

This will pick a random response every 5 * 1000 ms.