
XCode is automatically managing signingHere also on visual studio, signing identity is set as automaticI have an application created in swift and a widget using WidgetKit extension in SwiftUI. Now I want to embed the widget extension into xamarin. I came across a microsoft document on how to embed WidgetKit support in Xamarin, the link is as: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/ios/platform/ios14/#embedded-widgetkit-support\ . Now when I am trying to embed it as given in the document, I am facing an error as, "ditto" exited with code 1. (MSB6006). I have gone through some references but still unable to resolve it.

P.S. I have added the screenshots if it may help you.

Hi, if can't find the solution, you could submit it as an issue here in Github. Then follow it up there.Junior Jiang
Hey @JuniorJiang-MSFT, thanks for the suggestion. I will look into it as well. But in my view it is probably not an issue because embedding WidgetKit extension in Xamarin is possible. And MSB6006 issue usually arises when signing issues are there. I would be glad to know if anyone has come across this and have been able to resolve it. Just correct me if I am wrong please.Krits
Hi, I found that there is a feedback of this document. There is a same error code with yours: "ditto" exited with code 1, and finally the people has the same error solved this by referring this PR. You also could have a look at that to try.Junior Jiang
Thanks @JuniorJiang-MSFT. I will look at it.Krits
Great, if solved that let me know that when you have time.Junior Jiang

1 Answers


You need to keep the BundleID be the same between native app and xamarin ios app, then Xamarin iOS will select the correct provisioning file.

Native app:

enter image description here

Native extension:

enter image description here

Xamarin iOS:

enter image description here

In addition, you will see that extension and app also need to use the same App Groups.

Now the provisioning file will show:

enter image description here

The effect:

enter image description here