
I've setup a TYPO3 7.6.x website and I need to enable the last-modified on response header.

I added the following TypoScript to my root template

config {
  contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0
  no_cache = 0
  sendCacheHeaders = 1
  enableContentLengthHeader = 1
  cache_period = 3600
  cache_clearAtMidnight = 1

but still not working.


1 Answers


According to the documentation, the Last-Modified header is sent, when these requirements are met:

  • page was cached
  • No *_INT or *_EXT objects were on the page (e.g. USER_INT)
  • No frontend user is logged in
  • No backend user is logged in

So for testing you maybe need to use a different browser or log out from your current session.