From the compiler error message, it seems the problem is caused by the fact that your random number generator comes wrapped in the IO monad, because you have used function newStdGen
You can get an unwrapped generator by using function mkStdGen instead. This function takes a parameter of Type Int as the seed of the generator.
For example, this code compiles:
randomize :: (Random a, Num a) => Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
randomize seed tree = evalState ( mapRandom (randomR (0,1)) tree) (mkStdGen seed) where
mapRandom f (Leaf a) = Leaf <$> state f
mapRandom f (Unary t1) = Unary <$> mapRandom f t1
mapRandom f (Binary t1 t2) = Binary <$> mapRandom f t1 <*> mapRandom f t2
mapRandom f (Ternary t1 t2 t3) = Ternary <$> mapRandom f t1
<*> mapRandom f t2 <*> mapRandom f t3
and you get as a bonus the possibility to reproduce the same sequence of random numbers at will (by passing the same seed again), something that newStdGen
does not provide.
Function newStdGen
uses the system clock to generate the seed, hence the need to involve the IO monad.
How to avoid duplicating the tree traversal code
Function randomize
above works. However, it is not entirely satisfactory: it involves the algorithm for tree traversal, and it decides which range of values to use, and also which type of random number generator. So it seems to fail something known in computer programming as the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP).
One might need a different range some day. Also, you can make a case that the Threefish random number generator has better statistical properties than the standard Haskell one, and wish to use its Haskell implementation.
The path of least resistance is to clone the code for randomize
and replace mkStdGen
by mkTFGen. But at that point, the tree traversal code gets duplicated. And there are many potential duplicates. We should find a better way.
The general problem is to produce a new version of the initial tree using a stateful mapping. Here, we have so far ignored the values in the initial tree, but this is just for the particular case of a random output tree.
Generally, the type signature of the required transformation function would have to be:
statefulTreeMap :: (a -> s -> (b,s)) -> s -> Tree a -> (Tree b, s)
where s
is the type of the state. In the case of randomize
, the state is just (the current state of) the random number generator.
You can easily write the code for statefulTreeMap
manually, using clauses like this:
statefulTreeMap step st0 (Binary tra1 tra2) =
let (trb1, st1) = statefulTreeMap step st0 tra1
(trb2, st2) = statefulTreeMap step st1 tra2
in (Binary trb1 trb2 , st2)
But this is not really the most Haskellish way.
It turns out this is quite similar to the mapAccumL library function. And the Haskell language library makes mapAccumL
available for any entity belonging to the Traversable
typeclass. Note that @amalloy mentions the Traversable
typeclass in one of the comments.
So we could try to make our Tree
type an instance of Traversable
, and then make use of function mapAccumL
This can be done by providing the code for function traverse
instance Traversable Tree where
traverse fn (Unary ta) = Unary <$> (traverse fn ta)
traverse fn (Binary ta tb) = Binary <$> (traverse fn ta) <*> (traverse fn tb)
traverse fn (Ternary ta tb tc) = Ternary <$> (traverse fn ta) <*> (traverse fn tb) <*> (traverse fn tc)
traverse fn (Leaf a) = Leaf <$> fn a
But this is not even necessary. Instead, one can summon the compiler heavy artillery (at least in recent enough versions), and just ask it to generate the Tree
version of traverse
, by enabling the DeriveTraversable
language extension:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
import qualified Data.Tuple as T
import qualified Data.Traversable as TR
import System.Random
import qualified System.Random.TF as TF
import Control.Monad.State
data Tree a = Unary (Tree a) | Binary (Tree a) (Tree a) |
Ternary (Tree a) (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
Then we can have a generic version of our target statefulTreeMap
function by putting some plumbing code around the mapAccumL
function we've just got for free:
-- general solution for any Traversable entity:
statefulMap :: Traversable tr => (a -> s -> (b,s)) -> s -> tr a -> (tr b, s)
statefulMap step st0 tra =
let fn = \s y -> T.swap (step y s)
p = TR.mapAccumL fn st0 tra -- works in reverse if using mapAccumR
T.swap p
and we can immediately specialize it for Tree
statefulTreeMap :: (a -> s -> (b,s)) -> s -> Tree a -> (Tree b, s)
statefulTreeMap = statefulMap
Thus we're almost done. We can now write a number of versions of randomize
by supplying more plumbing code:
-- generic random tree generation, with range and generator as external parameters:
randomize2 :: (RandomGen gt, Random b, Num b) => (b,b) -> gt -> Tree a -> Tree b
randomize2 range gen tra =
let step = (\a g -> randomR range g) -- leftmost parameter ignored
in fst $ statefulTreeMap step gen tra -- drop final state of rng
-- version taking just a seed, with output range and generator type both hardwired:
randomize3 :: (Random b, Num b) => Int -> Tree a -> Tree b
randomize3 seed tra = let rng = TF.mkTFGen seed
range = (0,9)
in randomize2 range rng tra
Test code:
main = do
let seed = 4243
rng0 = TF.mkTFGen seed
tr1 = Ternary (Ternary (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3))
(Leaf (4::Integer))
(Binary (Leaf 12) (Leaf 13))
tr11 = (randomize seed tr1) :: Tree Integer
tr12 = (randomize2 (0,9) rng0 tr1) :: Tree Integer
tr13 = (randomize3 seed tr1) :: Tree Integer
putStrLn $ "tr1 = " ++ (show tr1) ++ "\n"
putStrLn $ "tr11 = " ++ (show tr11)
putStrLn $ "tr12 = " ++ (show tr12)
putStrLn $ "tr13 = " ++ (show tr13)
putStrLn $ "tr11 == tr12 = " ++ (show (tr11 == tr12))
putStrLn $ "tr11 == tr13 = " ++ (show (tr11 == tr13))
Program output:
tr1 = Ternary (Ternary (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2) (Leaf 3)) (Leaf 4) (Binary (Leaf 12) (Leaf 13))
tr11 = Ternary (Ternary (Leaf 9) (Leaf 6) (Leaf 0)) (Leaf 3) (Binary (Leaf 2) (Leaf 6))
tr12 = Ternary (Ternary (Leaf 9) (Leaf 6) (Leaf 0)) (Leaf 3) (Binary (Leaf 2) (Leaf 6))
tr13 = Ternary (Ternary (Leaf 9) (Leaf 6) (Leaf 0)) (Leaf 3) (Binary (Leaf 2) (Leaf 6))
tr11 == tr12 = True
tr11 == tr13 = True
So, in fact, we have eliminated the need for any explicit tree traversal code.
Side note:
Of course, the statefulTreeMap
function can be used for tasks unrelated to pseudo-randomness. For example, we might want to give consecutive numbers to the elements of a Tree
enumerate :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
enumerate = fst . (statefulTreeMap (\a rs -> ((a, head rs), tail rs)) [0..])
Testing under ghci
λ> enumerate tr1
Ternary (Ternary (Leaf (1,0)) (Leaf (2,1)) (Leaf (3,2))) (Leaf (4,3)) (Binary (Leaf (12,4)) (Leaf (13,5)))