after installing vqmod, a create test xml file to change all "a" with "b" in header.twig file. But nothing happens.
I googled this problem but still couldn't solve it. What I did before start this question:
- Uploaded last vqmod (2.6.4) to root of the site (Opencart ver
- Installed it by running /install/install.php
- Did a double check changes in files index.php and admin/index.php (both files contain the changes made by the vqmod)
- Made simple xml file "replace-demo.xml" and uploaded it in the xml path.
- Cleared the modifications cash and clear THEME CASH on dashboard.
- Cleared the vqmod cash
- Refresh main page of the site in my browser 8... And no changes.
My simple xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<id>Replace a with b</id>
<file name="catalog/view/theme/default/template/common/header.twig">
<operation info="replace a with b">
<search position="replace"><![CDATA[
- I have not errors in log folder.
- Logging = true in vqmod.php
- I see files in vqcache folder
- When clearing the vqmod cache, they regularly appear every time the page is refreshed. But my header.twig file is not there. Just such files as "vq2-system_engine_action.php" "vq2-system_engine_loader.php", "vq2-system_library_config.php", "vq2-system_library_language.php", "vq2-system_startup.php".
- I don't have any add-ons installed in my Opencart (just new website)
Any ideas where did I go wrong? It's just doesn't work.