I am a beginner trying to read a Google Sheet in a Javascript app using: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/mySheetID/gviz/tq?tq=Select%20*%20where%20A%20=%20%22Nan%22&tqx=out:JSON
I can access that row in my sheet and save it as JSON giving me a file with the content headed "/O_o/ google.visualization.Query.setResponse..." This is the file I cannot further process in javascript.
I see in: converting Google Visualization Query result into javascript array that the solution appears to be: "If you add a header named X-DataSource-Auth in your request, the Visualization API will respond in JSON format". After a day of googling I am quite unable to find where I am supposed to put such a header and what its syntax should be.
But then I'm 82 years old and this stuff gets more difficult with each passing year... Can someone point me in the right direction?