If you don't mind fitting the model twice, you will set the testing and training folds first, using an example dataset BostonHousing
where medv
is the dependent variable:
full_df = BostonHousing[1:400,]
#create folds
testFolds = createFolds(full_df$medv,k=10)
trFolds =lapply(testFolds,function(i)setdiff(1:nrow(full_df),i))
There's an error with the MAE, it should be mean of the absolute:
Performance_Summary <- function(data,
lev = NULL,
model = NULL) {
c(RMSE = sqrt(mean((data$obs-data$pred)^2)),
MAE = mean(abs(data$obs - data$pred)))
Run for test data, like normally in caret:
test.Control <- trainControl(method = "cv", summaryFunction = Performance_Summary,index=trFolds,indexOut=testFolds)
results_test <- train(medv~., data = full_df, method = "lm", trControl = test.Control)
RMSE MAE Resample
1 4.07 3.02 Fold01
2 4.10 3.04 Fold02
3 5.76 4.48 Fold03
4 4.16 2.97 Fold04
5 4.10 3.01 Fold05
6 6.14 4.25 Fold06
Run with same training, but also test with the same index:
train.Control <- trainControl(method = "cv", summaryFunction = Performance_Summary,index=trFolds,indexOut=trFolds)
results_train <- train(medv~., data = full_df, method = "lm", trControl = train.Control)
RMSE MAE Resample
1 4.80 3.35 Fold01
2 4.80 3.32 Fold02
3 4.63 3.19 Fold03
4 4.79 3.29 Fold04
5 4.80 3.31 Fold05
6 4.57 3.18 Fold06
Below is a simple implementation and you can see we get the same results. First we alter the metric function slightly:
mets <- function(obs,pred){
RMSE = sqrt(mean((obs-pred)^2)),
MAE = mean(abs(obs - pred))
Then :
results = lapply(1:length(testFolds),function(i){
trData = full_df[trFolds[[i]],]
testData = full_df[testFolds[[i]],]
fit = lm(medv ~., data = trData)
inSample = mets(trData$medv,fit$fitted.values)
outSample = mets(testData$medv,predict(fit,testData))
folds = i,
inSample_RMSE = inSample[1],
inSample_MAE = inSample[2],
outSample_RMSE = outSample[1],
outSample_MAE = outSample[2]
results = do.call(rbind,results)
folds inSample_RMSE inSample_MAE outSample_RMSE outSample_MAE
RMSE 1 4.80 3.35 4.07 3.02
RMSE1 2 4.80 3.32 4.10 3.04
RMSE2 3 4.63 3.19 5.76 4.48
RMSE3 4 4.79 3.29 4.16 2.97
RMSE4 5 4.80 3.31 4.10 3.01
RMSE5 6 4.57 3.18 6.14 4.25