
I have one asp.net sample application. I want to deploy this web application to the Azure web app, I used azure DevOps to build and release the pipeline.

I successfully completed the build and release but when I try to access the web app though the azure web app URL it reflects You do not have permission to view this directory or page.

How to rectify the problem?


1 Answers


You can visit https://{yourwebsitename}.scm.azurewebsites.net to check if your app files are deployed to site/wwwroot foler in Kudu server.

If your app files are deployed to folder site/wwwroot/appname. You need to check the Path mappings of your Application Settings. Then in the Virtual applications and directories section, You need to change your Physical path to "site/wwwroot/appname". You can find more details in this blog.

If above doesnot work out. You can do below steps to show more error messages and troubleshoot the issue.

  • Go to Your Web App in Azure> App Service logs >turn on Detailed Error Messages.
  • In the Web Config file add <customErrors mode="Off" /> under <system.web> tag, add <httpErrors errorMode="Detailed"></httpErrors> under <system.webServer> tag. And update the web.config file to your azure web app.

Check out this thread for details.