I have a VSTO Outlook 2007 addin that loads on startup. When it loads it does the follwing:
Private Sub ThisAddIn_Startup() Handles Me.Startup
explorer = Me.Application.ActiveExplorer()
AddHandler Application.ItemContextMenuDisplay, AddressOf Application_ItemContextMenuDisplay
AddHandler Application.Startup, AddressOf Application_CommandBarMenuDisplay
End Sub
Then after this the AddHandlers does the following:
Sub Application_CommandBarMenuDisplay()
Dim cBar As Office.CommandBar = explorer.CommandBars("Standard")
btnCommandBarMenu = CType(cBar.Controls.Add(Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, True), Office.CommandBarButton)
With btnCommandBarMenu
.BeginGroup = True
.Style = MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = "File TNRP Email"
.Tag = "File TNRP Email"
.Picture = IPictureDisp.FromImage(My.Resources.label16)
.Mask = IPictureDisp.MaskFromImage(My.Resources.label16)
End With
AddHandler btnCommandBarMenu.Click, AddressOf btn_CommandBarMenuClick
End Sub
Sub Application_ItemContextMenuDisplay(ByVal CommandBar As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBar, ByVal Selection As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Selection)
btnContextMenu = CommandBar.Controls.Add(Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, True)
With btnContextMenu
.BeginGroup = True
.Visible = True
.Style = MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = "File TNRP Email"
.Tag = "File TNRP Email"
.Picture = IPictureDisp.FromImage(My.Resources.label16)
.Mask = IPictureDisp.MaskFromImage(My.Resources.label16)
End With
AddHandler btnContextMenu.Click, AddressOf btn_ContextMenuClick
End Sub
When the email is sent the app works fine. But when I click on the Button, then the add in fires 2x times and when I use the context menu it aslo fires 2x times.
Any idea why this might be?