I am new to Slurm and I also found the related questions about this topic. However, I am still confused about several points of how to use srun. According to the official document, srun will typically first allocate resources and then run the parallel jobs. For example, I want to run 20 tasks and if I submit my job based on the following script, I am not sure how many tasks are created. Because sbatch only takes care of allocating resources instead of executing program.
#SBATCH -n 20
#SBATCH --mpi=pmi2
#SBATCH -o myoutputfile.txt
module load mpi/mpich-x86_64
mpirun mpiprogram < inputfile.txt
If I am trying to run sequential program like the following, I am not whether there will be a difference or not. For example, I can simply remove the srun command in this script. What will happen?
#SBATCH -n 1
srun tar zxf julia-0.3.11.tar.gz
echo "prefix=/software/julia-0.3.11" > julia/Make.user
cd julia
srun make