I have a feature file defined like
Feature: Portal Sign in
In order to login to my portal
As a User
I have input user id and password
Scenario: User Login
Given I have entered username and password
When The user clicks on Login button
Then logged in successfully pop up message should be displayed
I tried this cmd:
vstest.console.exe tests.dll /TestCaseFilter:"FullyQualifiedName~PortalSigninFeature"
but it returns with no test matches for the given test case filter. Am I missing anything?
Also how do you suggest to run scenarios using cmd?
In case of scenario Outline like the one below
Scenario Outline: Multiple User Login
Given I have entered <username> and <password>
When The user clicks on Login button
Then logged in successfully pop up message should be displayed
|User1 |pwd1 |
|User2 |pwd2 |
When I run the below cmd
SpecRun.exe run D:\SpecFlow\bin\Debug\MySpecFlowTests.dll --filter testpath:"Scenario:Multiple+User+Login"
Discovered tests appear as 0.
Should I change anything to make it work for scenario outline?