I am trying to create a "service principal" for application and to grant admin consent for the permissions using Microsoft graph API.
I followed the following steps:
Created application in a tenant using graph API. My request body is:
{ "displayName": "AppWithPermissions", "requiredResourceAccess": [ { "resourceAppId": "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000", "resourceAccess": [ { "id": "dc890d15-9560-4a4c-9b7f-a736ec74ec40", "type": "Role" } ] } ] }
Created a service principal for the above-created application. The creation was successful.
Now, I want to grant admin consent to each assigned permission programmatically using graph API.
To grant application permissions, I created an app role assignment in the appRoleAssignedTo collection of the API's service principal: The request was as follows:
Post request:
Request body:
{ "principalId": "principal_id", "resourceId": "resource_id", "appRoleId": "approle_id" }
- "principal_id" is the "id" of service principal created in step 2 above.
- "approle_id" is the id of the appRole you want to grant. (taken "id" value from "resourceAccess" array present in "requiredResourceAccess")
- "id" in http request url and "resource_id" are the same. (taken "resourceAppId" value from "requiredResourceAccess" which is corresponds to "approle_id" given above)
After running the query, I am getting error 404. "code": "Request_ResourceNotFound" for the "resource_id"/"id" field.
- Adding screenshots for better understandings:
- App Creation:
- service principal creation:
- Grant an appRoleAssignment for a service principal:
I am confused about which IDs to use where and didn't get a clear idea from the documentations. Can any one please resolve my query? Thanks in advance.