
I got an Snowflake trail account on Azure. I am trying to create snowpipe to auto ingest files from Azure Blob storage to Snowflake tables. In order do this one of the step is to Create Notification Integration command but my snowflake trail account doesn't have sufficient privilege to execute this command even with Accountadmin role.

SQL access control error: Insufficient privileges to operate on account 'XYZ'

Is this limitation on Snowflake trail account or any other privileges missing ? Please help.


1 Answers


In Snowflake you need the role ACOUNTADMIN or a role with the CREATE INTEGRATION privilege to run the CREATE NOTIFICATION INTEGRATION command: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/sql/create-notification-integration.html

Probably you accidentaly chose the wrong role?

Note: The role in the top right corner may differ from the role set in your worksheet. The role in the worksheet is used - probably here is the error?