i am running k8s cluster on GKE
it has 4 node pool with different configuration
Node pool : 1 (Single node coroned status)
Running Redis & RabbitMQ
Node pool : 2 (Single node coroned status)
Running Monitoring & Prometheus
Node pool : 3 (Big large single node)
Application pods
Node pool : 4 (Single node with auto-scaling enabled)
Application pods
currently, i am running single replicas for each service on GKE
however 3 replicas of the main service which mostly manages everything.
when scaling this main service with HPA sometime seen the issue of Node getting crashed or kubelet frequent restart
PODs goes to Unkown state.
How to handle this scenario ? If the node gets crashed GKE taking time to auto repair and which cause service down time.
Question : 2
Node pool : 3 -4 running application PODs. Inside the application, there are 3-4 memory-intensive micro services i am also thinking same to use Node selector and fix it on one Node.
while only small node pool will run main service which has HPA and node auto scaling auto work for that node pool.
however i feel like it's not best way to it with Node selector.
it's always best to run more than one replicas of each service but currently, we are running single replicas only of each service so please suggest considering that part.