Using Electron and ElectronNet I have an azure devops pipeline setup that will build the application on linux, windows and osx using the *-latest
images to build. On linux its configured to output both an rpm
and deb
package however periodically the rpm package will fail to build with this output. When this happens it usually happens for a period of time and then stops happening without any intervention. I've even rerun the failed job the next day and the build is fully successful in both the rpm and deb builds. The deb build has never failed.
Really looking for any ideas on how to get it to be successful all the time or whats going wrong. My search-fu hasn't really turned up anything useful.
Package Electron App for Platform linux... • electron-builder version=22.8.1 os=5.4.0-1026-azure • artifacts will be published if draft release exists reason=CI detected • loaded configuration file=/home/vsts/work/1/s/src/Prefix.App/obj/desktop/-encodedCommand/bin/electron-builder.json • description is missed in the package.json appPackageFile=/home/vsts/work/1/s/src/Prefix.App/obj/desktop/-encodedCommand/package.json • packaging platform=linux arch=x64 electron=9.2.0 appOutDir=/home/vsts/work/1/s/dist/linux-unpacked • downloading url= size=73 MB parts=4 • downloaded url= duration=1.841s • building target=deb arch=x64 file=/home/vsts/work/1/s/dist/stackify-prefix.deb • application Linux category is set to default "Utility" reason=linux.category is not set and cannot map from macOS docs= • downloading url= size=5.0 MB parts=1 • downloaded url= duration=798ms • building target=rpm arch=x64 file=/home/vsts/work/1/s/dist/stackify-prefix.rpm • application Linux category is set to default "Utility" reason=linux.category is not set and cannot map from macOS docs= ⨯ cannot execute cause=exit status 1 out={:timestamp=>"2020-10-08T17:32:40.544179+0000", :message=>"Process failed: rpmbuild failed (exit code 1). Full command was:[\"rpmbuild\", \"-bb\", \"--target\", \"x86_64-unknown-linux\", \"--define\", \"buildroot /tmp/package-rpm-build-72bf79147c0f3c704c50ec33b5227ad320ace97152807fea175c575ab616/BUILD\", \"--define\", \"_topdir /tmp/package-rpm-build-72bf79147c0f3c704c50ec33b5227ad320ace97152807fea175c575ab616\", \"--define\", \"_sourcedir /tmp/package-rpm-build-72bf79147c0f3c704c50ec33b5227ad320ace97152807fea175c575ab616\", \"--define\", \"_rpmdir /tmp/package-rpm-build-72bf79147c0f3c704c50ec33b5227ad320ace97152807fea175c575ab616/RPMS\", \"--define\", \"_tmppath /tmp\", \"/tmp/package-rpm-build-72bf79147c0f3c704c50ec33b5227ad320ace97152807fea175c575ab616/SPECS/Prefix.spec\"]", :level=>:error} command=/home/vsts/.cache/electron-builder/fpm/fpm-1.9.3-2.3.1-linux-x86_64/fpm -s dir --force -t rpm -d libXScrnSaver --rpm-os linux --rpm-compression xzmt --architecture amd64 --name prefix --after-install /tmp/t-KD6Fyh/2-after-install --after-remove /tmp/t-KD6Fyh/3-after-remove --description '' --version 1.0.0 --package /home/vsts/work/1/s/dist/stackify-prefix.rpm --maintainer Stackify --url '' --vendor Stackify --license MIT --iteration 0.8.25-rc.1+72 --name=Prefix --after-install=../../../../../build/linux/postinst --after-remove=../../../../../build/linux/postrm /home/vsts/work/1/s/dist/linux-unpacked/=/opt/Prefix /home/vsts/work/1/s/build/assets/Prefix_256.png=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/0x0/apps/Prefix.png /tmp/t-KD6Fyh/5-Prefix.desktop=/usr/share/applications/Prefix.desktop workingDir= ... done