I'm new to discrete choice modeling, so my apologies if I am misunderstanding a fundamental aspect of the analysis.
I would like to run a discrete choice analysis with an individual-specific variable and what I think are alternative-specific attribute variables. From the mlogit vignette I think the individual-specific variable is a "choice situation specific covariate" (in the new vignette) and the alternative-specific attribute variables are "alternative specific covariates with generic coefficients" (again, in the new vignette). The alternative-specific attribute variables should not have differing impacts for the different alternatives, so I believe a generic coefficient that applies to all alternatives is in order.
Let's use the Fishing dataset as an example.
Fish1 <- dfidx(Fishing, varying=2:9, choice="mode", idnames=c("chid", "alt"),
... which gets us:
first 10 observations out of 4728
mode income alt price catch chid idx
1 FALSE 7083.332 beach 157.930 0.0678 1 1:each
2 FALSE 7083.332 boat 157.930 0.2601 1 1:boat
3 TRUE 7083.332 charter 182.930 0.5391 1 1:rter
4 FALSE 7083.332 pier 157.930 0.0503 1 1:pier
5 FALSE 1250.000 beach 15.114 0.1049 2 2:each
6 FALSE 1250.000 boat 10.534 0.1574 2 2:boat
7 TRUE 1250.000 charter 34.534 0.4671 2 2:rter
8 FALSE 1250.000 pier 15.114 0.0451 2 2:pier
9 FALSE 3750.000 beach 161.874 0.5333 3 3:each
10 TRUE 3750.000 boat 24.334 0.2413 3 3:boat```
And then we fit the model:
(fit1 <- mlogit(mode ~ price+catch | income | 1, data=Fish1))
... which gets us:
mlogit(formula = mode ~ price + catch | income | 1, data = Fish1, method = "nr")
(Intercept):boat (Intercept):charter (Intercept):pier price
0.527278790 1.694365710 0.777959401 -0.025116570
catch income:boat income:charter income:pier
0.357781958 0.000089440 -0.000033292 -0.000127577
So far so good.
Now let's recode the price and catch (alternative-specific attribute variables) values to be alternative varying but individual invariant:
Fishing2 <- Fishing
Fishing2$price.beach <- 50
Fishing2$price.pier <- 100
Fishing2$price.boat <- 150
Fishing2$price.charter <- 200
Fishing2$catch.beach <- .2
Fishing2$catch.pier <- .5
Fishing2$catch.boat <- .75
Fishing2$catch.charter <- .87
Fish2 <- dfidx(Fishing2, varying=2:9, choice="mode", idnames=c("chid", "alt"),
... which gets us:
first 10 observations out of 4728
mode income alt price catch chid idx
1 FALSE 7083.332 beach 50 0.20 1 1:each
2 FALSE 7083.332 boat 150 0.75 1 1:boat
3 TRUE 7083.332 charter 200 0.87 1 1:rter
4 FALSE 7083.332 pier 100 0.50 1 1:pier
5 FALSE 1250.000 beach 50 0.20 2 2:each
6 FALSE 1250.000 boat 150 0.75 2 2:boat
7 TRUE 1250.000 charter 200 0.87 2 2:rter
8 FALSE 1250.000 pier 100 0.50 2 2:pier
9 FALSE 3750.000 beach 50 0.20 3 3:each
10 TRUE 3750.000 boat 150 0.75 3 3:boat
It seems to me that this is like a one-choice product comparison: each of the alternatives has a fixed set of attributes (alternative-specific attribute variables with generic coefficients) that may influence an individual's decision. The individual's income, the individual-specific (or choice situation-specific, from the new vignette) variable, might affect the decision as well, although it must vary with alternative as shown by the vignette.
BUT, when I try to run the model for the Fish2 dataset, it fails:
fit2 <- mlogit(mode ~ price+catch | income | 1, data=Fish2)
Error in solve.default(H, g[!fixed]) :
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 3.18998e-23
I'm guessing that the fact that the alternative-specific attribute variables do not vary across choice situations is the problem, but I do not understand why, or how to fix it. It SEEMS to me like I should be able to analyze this situation with mlogit.
If there is another analysis technique that would accommodate this kind of question better, I'm open to suggestions.