2 Answers


If you are looking for the Trending videos on YouTube, you can find that feed at:


It is described as:

This feed lists trending videos as seen on YouTube Trends, which surfaces popular videos as their popularity is increasing and also analyzes broader trends developing within the YouTube community. This feed is available as an experimental feature.

What you are referencing are blog posts based on that feed, as seen on here.


First, you need an API key. Then, Just paste the following link into a web browser and then right-click --> save as JSON

https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=contentDetails&chart=mostPopular&regionCode=lk&key= {Your API key}

{Your API key} - Your personal API key can get from - https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started

This question is already answered here

Youtube API - Getting trending videos for a specific keyword