Encountered problem where all goroutines are asleep - deadlock. I have a Data structure with cars array with limited amount of cars in it. Worker threads starts and tries to remove cars from data structure if there are no cars in the array and the main thread hasn't finished writing data to Data stricture then worker thread sleeps till main thread adds more cars to data struct cars array. Then worker thread wakes up, removes car object from data structure, does calculations and moves it to result structure. At some point sometimes it goes in to deadlock. Noticed that even if program finishes without exception some data(sometimes more, sometimes less) is still missing. Code:
package main
import (
type Car struct {
Make string `json:"Make"`
Year int `json:"Year"`
Displacement float64 `json:"Displacement"`
Hash string
type Cars struct {
Auto []Car
count int
MaxLen int
mutex *sync.Mutex
cond *sync.Cond
end bool
func (a *Cars) Insert(aut Car) {
a.mutex.Lock() // lock method so other thread couldin't use Data structure
for a.count == a.MaxLen {
a.cond.Wait()//wait if current count of cars is equal to maximum amount that are allowed to store in cars array in Data structure
a.Auto[a.count] = aut
func (a *Cars) Remove(group *sync.WaitGroup) Car {
for a.count == 0 {
a.cond.Wait()//if there is no cars to remove from Data struct car array then sleep
result := a.Auto[a.count-1]//get the last car from cars structure car array
var tmp Car
a.Auto[a.count-1] = tmp//remove the last car from structure car array
a.mutex.Unlock() // unlock this method and let others thread use i
a.cond.Broadcast() //tell all threads that removing has been finishedt
return result
func (a *Cars) InsertSort(aut Car) {
for a.count == a.MaxLen {
j := 0
for i := 0; i < a.count; i++ {
if a.Auto[i].Displacement < aut.Displacement {
j = i //Finds where to insert new item in sorted list
if j != 0 {
for i := a.count; i >= j; i-- {
a.Auto[i+1] = a.Auto[i]//moves objects from j to the right
a.Auto[j] = aut
var Auto []Car
func main() {
CurrentWD, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
path := CurrentWD + "\\Auto.json"
jsonFile, err := os.Open(path)
byteValue, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(jsonFile)
json.Unmarshal(byteValue, &Auto)
var mutex = sync.Mutex{}
var cond = sync.NewCond(&mutex) //syncing cond with mutex
MaxLength := 5 // max lenght of data array
var A = make([]Car, 5)
Auto1 := Cars{count: 0, MaxLen: MaxLength, cond: cond, mutex: &mutex, Auto: A}//data structs
var B = make([]Car, 40)
Auto2 := Cars{count: 0, MaxLen: 40, cond: cond, mutex: &mutex, Auto: B}//results struct
var waitGroup = sync.WaitGroup{}
ThreadsAmt := 8
for i := 0; i < ThreadsAmt; i++ {
go execute(&Auto1, &waitGroup, &Auto2)
for _, s := range Auto {
Auto1.end = true//finished writing to data struct
var RLoc = CurrentWD + "\\Results.txt"
f, err := os.Create(RLoc)
defer f.Close()
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%15s|%4s|%12s|%50s \n", "Make", "Year", "Displacement", "Hash"))
for i := 0; i < Auto2.count-1; i++ {
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%3d %15s|%4d|%12.2f|%50s \n", i, Auto2.Auto[i].Make,
Auto2.Auto[i].Year, Auto2.Auto[i].Displacement, Auto2.Auto[i].Hash))
fmt.Println("Program finished execution")
func execute(Data *Cars, group *sync.WaitGroup, res *Cars) {
hash := sha256.New()
for Data.end == false && Data.count != 0 {
carTemp := Data.Remove(group)//removes and returns car object from data struct
if carTemp.Displacement > 0 {//checks if returned car object displacement is bigger than *
var ss string
ss = carTemp.Make + strconv.Itoa(carTemp.Year) + fmt.Sprint(carTemp.Displacement) //making string calculating hash
sum := hash.Sum([]byte(ss))
for i := 0; i < len(sum); i++ {
ss += string(sum[i])//joining hash byte array in to string
carTemp.Hash = ss
res.InsertSort(carTemp) // inserts car
defer group.Done()
Data: Auto.json
"Make": "Chrysler",
"Year": 1997,
"Displacement": 3.6
}, {
"Make": "Honda",
"Year": 2016,
"Displacement": 1.4
}, {
"Make": "Aston Martin",
"Year": 2009,
"Displacement": 4.1
}, {
"Make": "Geo",
"Year": 2011,
"Displacement": 4.9
}, {
"Make": "Buick",
"Year": 2001,
"Displacement": 6.3
}, {
"Make": "Chevrolet",
"Year": 2001,
"Displacement": 2.7
}, {
"Make": "Suzuki",
"Year": 2004,
"Displacement": 4.5
}, {
"Make": "Studebaker",
"Year": 2001,
"Displacement": 7.5
}, {
"Make": "Chevrolet",
"Year": 2020,
"Displacement": 1.1
}, {
"Make": "Volkswagen",
"Year": 1996,
"Displacement": 6.2
}, {
"Make": "Mercedes-Benz",
"Year": 2009,
"Displacement": 2.9
}, {
"Make": "Nissan",
"Year": 2019,
"Displacement": 7.2
}, {
"Make": "Subaru",
"Year": 2010,
"Displacement": 2.6
}, {
"Make": "Hummer",
"Year": 1991,
"Displacement": 8.8
}, {
"Make": "Subaru",
"Year": 2017,
"Displacement": 8.0
}, {
"Make": "Mitsubishi",
"Year": 2010,
"Displacement": 6.6
}, {
"Make": "Mercedes-Benz",
"Year": 1996,
"Displacement": 2.0
}, {
"Make": "Lincoln",
"Year": 1991,
"Displacement": 9.9
}, {
"Make": "Chevrolet",
"Year": 1998,
"Displacement": 3.4
}, {
"Make": "Dodge",
"Year": 2010,
"Displacement": 5.8
}, {
"Make": "GMC",
"Year": 2016,
"Displacement": 6.8
}, {
"Make": "Chevrolet",
"Year": 2013,
"Displacement": 3.4
}, {
"Make": "Ford",
"Year": 2010,
"Displacement": 5.1
}, {
"Make": "Toyota",
"Year": 2017,
"Displacement": 9.6
}, {
"Make": "Hyundai",
"Year": 2015,
"Displacement": 3.8
}, {
"Make": "Mercedes-Benz",
"Year": 2016,
"Displacement": 4.3
}, {
"Make": "Chevrolet",
"Year": 2019,
"Displacement": 2.2
}, {
"Make": "Dodge",
"Year": 2009,
"Displacement": 1.8
}, {
"Make": "Pontiac",
"Year": 2006,
"Displacement": 4.6
}, {
"Make": "Chevrolet",
"Year": 2008,
"Displacement": 9.2
Error: Fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
goroutine 1 [sync.Cond.Wait]:
E:/Program Files (x86)/Go projects/go1.15.2/src/runtime/proc.go:312
sync.runtime_notifyListWait(0xc00003c050, 0x3)
E:/Program Files (x86)/Go projects/go1.15.2/src/runtime/sema.go:513 +0x117
E:/Program Files (x86)/Go projects/go1.15.2/src/sync/cond.go:56 +0xa5
main.(*Cars).Insert(0xc00003c080, 0xc000014343, 0x3, 0x7e0, 0x401b333333333333, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/Users/Justas/OneDrive - Kaunas University of Technology/5
Semestras/Lygiagretusis programavimas/Lab1/main.go:32 +0x57
c:/Users/Justas/OneDrive - Kaunas University of Technology/5
Semestras/Lygiagretusis programavimas/Lab1/main.go:109 +0x53c
exit status 2
Process exiting with code: 1 signal: false