
I am trying to get the web services for SOA to work. I am doing what oracle says, but i am still getting error 500 with the following error:

WatchData: MESSAGE = [ServletContext@1374343816[app:biwssoa module:biservices path:null spec-version:3.1 version:12.1.3]] Root cause of ServletException.
javax.servlet.ServletException: Failed to contact BI Presentation Server due to: Could not access the session service.
        at oracle.bi.ws.activeobjects.inspection.BiWsilServlet.doInspectionAction(BiWsilServlet.java:183)
        at oracle.bi.ws.activeobjects.inspection.BiWsilServlet.doGet(BiWsilServlet.java:137)

I added wsil.browsing credential and used the weblogic login in the enterprise manager. Didnt work.

Then i tried adding wss_username_token_policy.xml to


with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<policy-reference uri="oracle/log_policy" category="management"/>
<policy-reference uri="oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy" category="security"/>

And editing my ActionFrameworkConfig.xml in


from this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<obi-action-config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="afconfig.xsd">
            <displayname>Web Services and BPEL Processes</displayname>
            <displayname>Mixed Services</displayname>

to this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<obi-action-config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
            <name>BI EE Web Services for SOA</name>
                    <displayname>Web Services and BPEL Processes</displayname>
                    <displayname>Mixed Services</displayname>
                    <description>Account for BI WS for SOA</description>

Then i restarted bi server using domain_home/bitools/bin/stop.sh and start.sh. But its not working :(


1 Answers


Make sure that you have your biservicesconfig.xml in


points to the same host:port as the file in ActionFrameworkConfig.xml. Also has the ending /analytics-ws/saw.dll

For me, that looked like this:
