I'm just starting with Agda but know some Haskell and would like to know how to define the Store Comonad in Agda.
This is what I have until now:
open import Category.Comonad
open import Data.Product
Store : Set → Set → ((Set → Set) × Set)
Store s a = ((λ s → a) , s)
StoreComonad : RawComonad (λ s a → (Store s a))
StoreComonad = record
{ extract (Store s a) = extract s a
; extend f (Store s a = Store (extend (λ s' a' → f (Store s' a')) s) a
} where open RawComonad
For now I'm getting the following error:
Parse error
extract s a
; extend f (Sto...
I'm not too sure what it is I'm doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
I think I'm getting closer. I replaced the fields in the record using matching lambdas:
Store : Set → Set → ((Set → Set) × Set)
Store s a = ((λ s → a) , s)
StoreComonad : RawComonad (λ s a → (Store s a))
StoreComonad = record
{ extract = λ st → (proj₁ st) (proj₂ st)
; duplicate = λ st → Store (λ s → Store (proj₁ st) s) (proj₂ st)
; extend = λ g st → g (duplicate st)
} where open RawComonad
is from https://github.com/agda/agda-stdlib/blob/master/src/Category/Comonad.agda
and has the signature
record RawComonad (W : Set f → Set f) : Set (suc f)
and Store
is based on type Store s a = (s -> a, s)
in Haskell.
Now the error I'm getting is:
(a : Set) → Σ (Set → Set) (λ x → Set) !=< Set
when checking that the expression λ a → Store s a has type Set
I'm wondering if this error has to do with this line:
StoreComonad : RawComonad (λ s a → (Store s a))
I find that the compilation error messages in Agda don't give many clues or I haven't yet been able to understand them well.
clause, or a matching lambda instead. – Jacques Caretteagda-stdlib-1.4
whereextract = head
andextend = unfold ∘′ < tail ,_>
. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how to define the StoreComonad instance. Would I need to implement the right hand side as functions that the Store has i.e. would these be in terms ofpos
, etc.? – fsuna064