
Suddenly getting the message " ResourceInitializationError: failed to validate logger args: : signal: killed" while starting AWS ECS Fargate Service. Same service was running fine couple of days back.

Following is log driver configurations in related aws task:

Log Configuration
Log driver: awslogs
Key Value
awslogs-group /ecs/analytics
awslogs-region us-east-1
awslogs-stream-prefix ecs

Any idea or help?

This questions is not appropriate for Stackoverflow - it is not a programming related question. You might try asking on Server Fault (serverfault.com)Brian B
Did you ever find a solution? I'm having the exact same issue but haven't found any solution. It also seems like this post is the only one mentioning the issue.davidgiga1993

2 Answers


I finally found the root cause:

The error appears if the fargate service is not able to connect to the CloudWatch api endpoint. This might happen if you have fargate running in a private subnet without internet access. You could either add the CloudWatch log Endpoint to your private subnet or add internet connectivity


I recently spent hours on this same issue. It turns out that the log group and stream prefix specified in my container definition didn't exist.

It would be wonderful if AWS could provide helpful error messages...