
trying to have a type Char that is a string one character long. what I'm unable to do is create a "constructor". I know I'm missing something completely obvious.

declare the Char type

  type Char string

can use that type with a declaration

  var c1 Char("abc")
  var c2 Char = "abc"

these are wrong: c1 and c2 need to be "a", not "abc"

what I really want is a "constructor" to limit Char to one character

 func Char( s string ) Char {
   var ch string = s[0]
   return ch

of course having the type Char and func Char is not the way to do it

 type.go:8: Char redeclared in this block

is there any way for to force type initialization through a constructor? or am I even asking the correct question?

let me state differently: if the user says var c Char = "abc" they will have an invalid value for type Char - is there any way to force the user into func NewChar(string) Char as Char's only valid constructor?

It's the Go programming language, not golang.peterSO
sorry about the golang - thought I was seeing that as a standard ref. the difference between goggling for "go" vs "golang" is huge, so have always tried to put the phrase "golang" as a courtesy, but open to suggestionscc young
If you want to force constructor, you should put your code in a separate package, expose public interface and a constructor that will return a private struct that implements the interface.Shay Tsadok

4 Answers


This is the char package. Note the unexported Char struct field c.

package char

type Char struct {
    c rune

func New(c rune) *Char {
    return &Char{c}

func (c *Char) Char() rune {
    return c.c

func (c *Char) String() string {
    return string(c.c)

Here's an example of how to use the char package.

package main

import (

func main() {
    var c = char.New('z')
    var d = c.Char()
    hello := "Hello, world; or สวัสดีชาวโลก"
    h := []rune(hello)
    ก := char.New(h[len(h)-1])
    fmt.Println(c, "a-"+c.String(), '0' <= d && d <= '9', ก)


z a-z false ก

At the first, see following example.

package main

func main() {
    s := "hello 世界"
    //for getting characters from string

    cells := []int(s)
    for _, c := range cells {
        println(c, string(c))
        // You'll get
        // 104 h
        // 101 e
        // 108 l
        // 108 l
        // 111 o
        // 32  
        // 19990 世
        // 30028 界

    bytes := []byte(s)
    for _, b := range bytes {
        println(b, string(b))
        // 104
        // 101
        // 108
        // 108
        // 111
        // 32
        // 228
        // 184
        // 150
        // 231
        // 149
        // 140

The meaning of []int(s) is "cast to unicode characters". The meaning of []byte(s) is "cast to bytes".

And, Go does not have constructor. In Go's style, package provide function NewXXX() for XXX object.

type Client struct {
    // ...

func NewClient() *Client {
    return &Client{/* ... */}


If you mean Char as "1 element of string", you should define as following.

type Char int


type Char byte

Your definition

type Char string

is re-define of "string". Then it can store string.


A single unicode character in Go is represented by a uint32 You could do the following:

type Char uint32
var a Char = 'a'

No need for a constructor, since you can just use the character literal.


Along with the other answers, it should be noted that Go has no such thing as special constructor syntax. There are some conventions though. Generally when you have a custom type and need a constructor, you write a NewT() function which takes any parameters you need, performs initialization and returns one instance of said type.

type Char string

func NewChar(s string) Char {
    if len(s) == 0 {
       return Char("")
    return Char(s[:1])