How can I include Spring beans under test dir (src/test/) in the jar that is imported to another module ?
I have a few Maven projects : ms1, ms2, ms3 and general-shared. The general-shared is a multi-module Maven project. It contains a few modules : general-shared-utills, general-shared-fs etc...
In each sub module I had a dedicated pom.xml with all the dependencies that are needed and in the general-shared pom I have details regarding the build and the modules :
It seems that all the beans that I created for tests (located in src/test) in the sub modules aren't imported to the Maven module (ms1 for example).
An example :
In sub module general-shared-utills I have the following classes :
Under /src/main :
public class Shop
private AWSService awsService
public class AWSService
Under /src/test:
public class AWSServiceMock extends AWSService
When I import the general-shared-utills module in the pom of ms1 I want it to include the AWSServiceMock class. Right now, the tests of ms1 cant find any bean of type AWSService because it doesn't have a bean of AWSService type with test profile :
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type ' ' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)}