
I'm running my site using GitHub Pages and Jekyll. I want to create a keyword that will be passed into a link that is a part of each post I create. Specifically, it looks like this:

title: A post
imagelink: Something
![Description of image](https://website.com/{ post.imagelink }.png)

The problem is that the { post.imagelink } doesn't render. It's like the Markdown renders first, messing up the Liquid tag. As a side note, I think it's possible that Liquid tags require double braces, but even trying that also doesn't work. Am I correct in assuming that it's an issue with the ordering of the rendering? I want the link to eventually be https://website.com/Something.png.


1 Answers


It'll need to be double braces and refer to page rather than post:

![Description of image](https://website.com/{{ page.imagelink }}.png)