
I export RDLC reports to PDF using the ReportViewer and I need to print the report data from right to left , All reports contain a Matrix (Tablix) or table and I set Layout Direction property RTL for all Matrix (Tablix) and Table and it reflect the columns order from right to left, but the matrix/table itself grow to right side (from left to right).

I tried to change report language but is doesn't make any difference


1 Answers


I think this a duplicate of this post How to make the tablix in .rdlc reports start from the right and expand to the left?

I'm afraid this is not possible, because the problem is not the content (which the RTL properties affects) of the tablix, but the alignment

Unfortunately, there is no property in RDLC to let you control this smoothly. But if you use third-party plugins like Telerik, you can achieve the desired result.