I am having issues in DITA getting the structure I want using the open toolkit.
My bookmap contains chapters which reference DITA maps.
<chapter class="- map/topicref bookmap/chapter " format="ditamap" href="001.1_X00344819.ditamap" navtitle="Introduction"/>
The maps then reference other maps or topics.
<topicref class="- map/topicref " format="dita" href="002.1_X00176947.dita"
navtitle="Measurements" type="concept"/>
<topicref class="- map/topicref " format="ditamap" href="002.1_X00310578.ditamap"
navtitle="Symbols and iconography"/>
Opening the bookmap in the Oxygen map editor with resolved topics, I get the structure I want:
- Map
- Topic
- Map
- Topic
- Topic
However, if I use the open toolkit (3.4.1 in Oxygen, or 3.5.4-external) I get just the topics with no hierarchy.
- Topic
- Topic
- Topic
In the output for normalized-DITA, the content of the chapters and maps are copied (excluding the titles), and the topicrefs (to topics) have become chapters:
<chapter format="dita" navtitle="Measurements" type="concept" href="002.1_X00176947.dita">
<chapter format="dita" navtitle="Mandatory action signs" type="reference"
<navtitle>Mandatory action signs</navtitle>
<linktext>Mandatory action signs</linktext>
<chapter format="dita" navtitle="Warning signs" type="reference" href="002.1_X00313315.dita">
<navtitle>Warning signs</navtitle>
<linktext>Warning signs</linktext>
Given it is happening with two versions of the OT I am assuming it is something I am doing wrong, but what?