
I have a Base64 encoded string (this is AES encrypted string). I am trying to store it in Firebase Storage and then download it from it.

I have tried multiple options e.g

pathReference.putString(data, 'base64')

This does not retain the the base64 string in storage but converts it into integers. I have also tried providing a {contentType: "application/Base64"} but putString doesn't seem to work.

I then tried making it a blob

blob = new Blob([data], {type: "application/Base64"})
await pathReference.put(blob)

With this I am able to get the base64 encoded string in storage (though there are newlines added in string)

When I download it with ES6 fetch I am not getting back the string

const url = await pathReference.getDownloadURL()
const response = await fetch(url)
const data = await response.blob()

Instead getting an error Unhandled promise rejection: URIError: URI error

I am just looking for a very simple upload and download sample for base64 encoded string to firebase storage.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

why do you want to save that string to storage and not to firestore or database?svyatis.lviv
I could but the use case is a periodic encrypted backup that can be used occasionally when the user wants to restore some local device data. This is not realtime app data for which I am already using firestore.rnk

1 Answers


I was able to make it work, though some firebase / fetch with react-native behavior is still unclear.

To upload a base64 encoded string to firebase storage I used the following snippet.
Here "data" is already a Base64 encoded string.

const pathReference = storage.ref(myFirebaseStorageLocation)
const blob = new Blob([data], {type: "application/Base64"})
await pathReference.put(blob)

I verified the contents in Firebase storage and downloaded the file manually which also looked fine.

Then to download under a React Native, Expo project there were several roadblocks but what finally worked was this

  1. I had to add a btoa() function in global namespace.
  2. Used the following code to download and then read it back as a Base64 string (which was surprisingly hard to get to)

Code to download the file and read back as Base64 string.

const fetchAsBlob = url => fetch(url)
  .then(response => response.blob());

const convertBlobToBase64 = blob => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  const reader = new FileReader;
  reader.onerror = reject;
  reader.onload = () => {

const url = await pathReference.getDownloadURL()
const blob = await fetchAsBlob(url)
const doubleBase64EncodedFile = await convertBlobToBase64(blob)
const doubleEncodedBase64String = doubleBase64EncodedFile.split(',')[1]
const myBase64 = Base64.atob(doubleEncodedBase64String)

The caveat was that the FileReader reads the content and encodes it again into Base64 (so there is double encoding). I had to use the Base64.atob() to get back my original Base64 encoded string.

Again this may be unique to the situation where there is fetch being called under a React Native Expo project, both of which have some additional quirks when it comes to handling blobs or Base64.

(PS: I tried using response.blob(), response.buffer() and tried everything including libs to convert Blobs to Base64 strings but ran into one or the other issue, I also tried using Expo FileSystem, download file locally and read using FileSystem.readAsStringAsync, but it ran into native issues with iOS. tl;dr; the above solution worked but if someone can provide any explanation or clarity on all other attempts or a better solution then it will be greatly appreciated. Also unclear is why firebase storage putString(data, 'base64') does not work.)