I know C2D is not supported in Azure IoT Edge and an option is to use Direct Method.
Is that can I use Module Client code and send message to a Module ?
I have a ModuleA which has output1 and ModuleB has a Handler input1. I have a route as below
"ModuleAToModuleB": "FROM /messages/modules/ModuleA/outputs/output1 INTO BrokeredEndpoint(\"/modules/ModuleB/inputs/input1\")",
And I use the below code from a console app and send message to a specific module based on the connection string of the specific Module (ModuleA connection string)
string dataString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jData);
byte[] dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(dataString);
var pipeMessage = new Message(dataBytes);
var moduleClient = ModuleClient.CreateFromConnectionString("HostName=xxx.azure-devices.net;DeviceId=xxx-01;ModuleId=ModuleA;SharedAccessKey=XXXXXXX", TransportType.Mqtt);
await moduleClient.SendEventAsync("output1", pipeMessage);
Will this code work, Will it send the Message from ModuleA to ModuleB ?