I have a document which has title, stockCode, category fields.
I have different field types (and analysis chains) for each. For instance title has EdgeNGram 2 to 20, category has EdgeNGram 3 to 10 with different range and stockCode just has lowercase filter.
So that, I don't want to search from documents with keyword "sample" with building the query like title:sample OR stockCode:sample OR category:sample.
I'd like to search with just "q=sample".
I copied my fields to text but It does not work. Because all fields analyzed as same. But I don't want to index stockCode as EdgeNGram or any other filters. I'd like to index my fields as I configured and I'd like to search a keyword over them base on my indexes.
I've been researching about that for three days, and Solr has a little bit poor documentation.