EDIT: I changed the center of the map by user-input before but changed this for testing. Using a fixed center for my map, everything is fine. Question now is: why?
I am looping through a JSON with some features, extracting the coordinates for each feature, and add them to a map. So far everything is working fine, but I just noticed that the features or better the icons are moving when I am zooming out/in or moe left/right. The feature location should still be true since I am able to hover over the map and show an overlay (as intended).
I have no idea why the logos would behave like this, maybe someone can help me. Here is my code for one of the layers:
// Forst
var Forststyle = new ol.style.Style({
image: new ol.style.Icon({
src: 'images/tree.png'
var Forstsource = new ol.source.Vector();
$.getJSON('config/Forst.json', function (data) {
$.each(data, function(key, val){
var newMarker = new ol.Feature({
geometry: new ol.geom.Point([this.long, this.lat]),
pointAttributes: {
'Name': this.name,
var Forst = new ol.layer.Vector({
title: "Forst",
visible: false,
zIndex: 5,
style: Forststyle,
source: Forstsource});
I am adding the Forst-Layer to the layers of my map.
I thought my projection/view definition might be helpful.
var projection25832 = new ol.proj.Projection({
code: 'EPSG:25832',
// The extent is used to determine zoom level 0. Recommended values for a
// projection's validity extent can be found at https://epsg.io/.
extent: [-1877994.66, 3932281.56, 836715.13, 9440581.95],
units: 'm'
I am adding my whole map-call. center and zoom get defined by user-input.
var map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',
new ol.layer.Tile({
title: 'OSM (grau)',
visible: true,
source: new ol.source.TileWMS({
url: 'https://ows.terrestris.de/osm/service?',
params: {
'VERSION': '1.1.0',
'FORMAT': 'image/png',
'TILED': false
view: new ol.View({
projection: projection25832,
center: center,
zoom: zoom
I am adding some images, view1 and view2 are only changed by scrolling left/right, view3 is zoomed in.
Some more edits: As stated above, when I am using a fixed center everything is working as intended. However, changing it depending on User Input is not working.
var D = $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: url,
dataType: "json"
var Coords = D.responseJSON.results[0].locations[0].latLng;
var utm = "+proj=utm +zone=32";
var new_center = [proj4("WGS84",utm,[Coords.lng, Coords.lat])[0],proj4("WGS84",utm,[Coords.lng, Coords.lat])[1]];
CreateMap([new_center[0], new_center[1]],zoom);
My CreateMap function is taking the coordinates of the center and the zoom, the url is a WEB-API (mapquest) that turns input into coordinates. If I pass e.g. my home-zip-code I get the coordinates that are used as my fixed center in the log, so there should not be a problem with the coordinates right?
icon? – geocodezip