I was getting advice from Rob Kennedy and one of his suggestions that greatly increased the speed of an app I was working on was to use SetString
and then load it into the VCL component that displayed it.
I'm using Delphi 2009 so now that PChar is Unicode,
SetString(OutputString, PChar(Output), OutputLength.Value);
edtString.Text := edtString.Text + OutputString;
Works and I changed it to PChar myself but since the data being moved isn't always Unicode in fact its usually ShortString Data.... so onto what he actually gave me to use:
SetString(OutputString, PAnsiChar(Output), OutputLength.Value);
edtString.Text := edtString.Text + OutputString;
Nothing shows up but I check in the debugger and the text that normally appeared the way I did it building 1 char at a time in the past was in the variable.
Oddly enough this is not the first time I ran into this tonight. Because I was trying to come up with another way, I took part of his advice and instead of building into a VCL's TCaption I built it into a string variable and then copied it, but when I send it over nothing's displayed. Once again in the debugger the variable that the data is built in... has the data.
for I := 0 to OutputLength.Value - 1 do
OutputString := OutputString + Char(OutputData^[I]);
edtString.Text := OutputString;
The above does not work but the old slow way of doing it worked just fine....
for I := 0 to OutputLength.Value - 1 do
edtString.Text := edtString.Text + Char(OutputData^[I]);
I tried making the variable a ShortString, String and TCaption and nothing is displayed. What I also find interesting is while I build my hex data from the same array into a richedit it's very fast while doing it inside an edit for the text data is very very slow. Which is why I haven't bothered trying to change the code for the richedit as it works superfast as it is.
Edit to add - I think I sorta found the problem but I have no solution. If I edit the value in the debugger to remove anything that can't be displayed (which by the old method used to just not display... not fail) then what I have left is displayed. So if it's just a matter of getting rid of bytes that were turned to characters that are garbage how can I fix that?
I basically have incoming raw data from a SCSI device that's being displayed hex-editor style. My original slow style of adding one char at a time successfully displayed strings and Unicode strings that did not have Unicode-specific characters in them. The faster methods even if working won't display ShortStrings one way and the other way wont display UnicodeStrings that aren't using non 0-255 characters. I really like and could use the speed boost but if it means sacrificing the ability to read the string... then what's the point in the app?
EDIT3 - Alright now that I've figured out that 0-31 is control char and 32 and up is valid I think I'm gonna make an attempt to filter char and replace those not valid with a . which is something I was planning on doing later to emulate hex editor style.
If there are any other suggestions I'd be glad to hear about them but otherwise I think I can craft a solution that's faster than the original and does what I need it to at the same time.