
Need some help. I'm currently making a Google Sheets, and I need some conditional formating. I need a row to be formatted with the condition on one of her cells. For example, I need to formate A2:I2 with the formula =$H$2="No". This was the easy part. I can do that. The part that I fail is : I have like 30 or 40 rows to formate like that, with the condition on the cell of the row. (H15 for A15:I15, H21 for A21:I21...). I tried to select the first row, copy it, and special past the formatting to another row, but Google makes some weird shit. It creates a new rule, but keep the previous cells range and add the currently selected. And the formula stays on the $H$2. I know it's because I put some $ in the name of the cell, but if I don't, it will not formating the entire row. Juste the first cell.

My question is : How can I properly copy/paste the conditional formatting of the first row to the others one, with the condition correctly on the cell of each row, and keeping the formatting on the entire row?


1 Answers


The meaning of the $ sign is the following:

  • $H$2: it will lock that cell only,
  • H$2: it will lock that column,
  • $H2: it will lock that row (I think this is the one you are looking for), enter image description here

So you can set the range to be: A2:I

And the formula to be: =$H2="No"