I have Client Services table with [Billable Minutes] value.
I need to create [Moving Average for 3 months] measure, where the calculation will only happen - if there are values in all 3 months in [Billable Minutes] exist ! (See below)
If [Billable Minutes] value is blank in at least one month in my Client Services table, then I want [Moving Avg] will show 0 or blank!
My goal:
Client Services table: Result:
Period [Billable Minutes] Period [Moving Avg]
2018-11 200 2019-01 200
2018-12 300
2019-01 100
To reach my goal, I am using the following DAX expression for [Moving Avg 3 months]:
Moving Avg 3 month =
VAR PeriodToUse = DATESINPERIOD('Calendar FY'[Date], LASTDATE('Calendar FY'[Date]), -3, MONTH)
VAR Result = CALCULATE(DIVIDE([Billable Minutes], COUNTROWS ('Calendar FY')), PeriodToUse)
VAR ZeroValue=IF(Minx('Client Services',[Billable Minutes])=0,0,Result)
Return Result
But, unfortunately, my end result is:
Client Services table: Result:
Period [Billable Minutes] Period [Moving Avg]
2018-11 200 2018-11 67
2018-12 300 2018-12 167
2019-01 100 2019-01 200
So, it takes an existing values in Client Services table and divides them by the number of periods. For example for 2018-11, 2018-10, 2018-09 - it takes (200+0+0)/3=66.6 (67 rounded) But I need the Moving Avg would be empty for 2018-11, because there are no values for 2018-10, 2018-09 in the Client Services table (same - for 2018-12, should not calculate)
Please, HELP!
Here is the solution for this (thx to the answer below) In order to check if there zero in the selected period, extra measures should be created:
Billable Minutes
Moving Avg Prev Month = Calculate('Client Services'[Billable Minutes],
PREVIOUSMONTH('Calendar FY'[Date]))
Billable Minutes
Moving Avg 2nd Prev Month = Calculate
('Client Services'[Billable Minutes Prev Month],
PREVIOUSMONTH('Calendar FY'[Date]))
Then, when you check whether there are zero values - you need to check it - not just for [Billable Minutes], but for [Billable Minutes] within 3 months period = within [Billable Minutes]+[Billable Minutes Prev Month]+ [Billable Minutes 2nd Prev Month]
See the updated below (worked perfect):
Billable Minutes 3 Months Avg =
VAR PeriodToUse = DATESINPERIOD('Calendar FY'[Date],
LASTDATE('Calendar FY'[Date]), -3, MONTH)
VAR Result = CALCULATE(DIVIDE([Billable Minutes],
COUNTROWS ('Calendar FY')), PeriodToUse)
VAR NMonthsPeriodBlank =
if([Billable Minutes] = BLANK(),0,1) +
if([Billable Minutes Prev Month] = BLANK(),0,1) +
if([Billable Minutes 2nd Prev Month] = BLANK(),0,1)
RETURN IF(NMonthsPeriodBlank < 3, BLANK(), Result)