
I have the following code which makes the following error. I think the error comes from the loop section while epsilon > tol:. Ive added a small df with the desired results in the column "IV".

line 1478, in nonzero raise ValueError( ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

def d(sigma, S, K, r, q, t):
    d1 = 1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(t)) * ( np.log(S/K) + (r - q + sigma**2/2) * t)
    d2 = d1 - sigma * np.sqrt(t)

    return d1, d2
def call_price(sigma, S, K, r, q, t, d1, d2):
    C = norm.cdf(d1) * S * np.exp(-q * t)- norm.cdf(d2) * K * np.exp(-r * t)

    return C
# From Put call Prity
def put_price(sigma, S, K, r, q, t, d1, d2):

    P = - S * np.exp(-q * t) + K * np.exp(-r * t) + call_price(sigma, S, K, r, q, t, d1, d2)

    return P
def calc_put_iv(S,K,t,r,q,P0,tol,epsilon,count,max_iter,vol):
    while epsilon > tol:
        #  Count how many iterations and make sure while loop doesn't run away
        count += 1
        if count >= max_iter:
            print('Breaking on count')
        #  Log the value previously calculated to computer percent change
        #  between iterations
        orig_vol = vol
        #  Calculate the vale of the call price
        d1, d2 = d(vol, S, K, r,q, t)
        function_value = put_price(vol, S, K, r, q, t, d1, d2) - P0
        #  Calculate vega, the derivative of the price with respect to
        #  volatility
        vega = S * norm.pdf(d1) * np.sqrt(t)* np.exp(-q * t)
        #  Update for value of the volatility
        vol = -function_value / vega + vol
        #  Check the percent change between current and last iteration
        epsilon = abs( (vol - orig_vol) / orig_vol )
    return vol

#  Print out the results
df["IV"] = calc_put_iv(df["Stock Price"], df["Strike"], df["Length / 365"],0.001,df["Div Yield"],df["Premium"],1e-8,1,0,1000,.5)

Strike  Stock Price Premium Length  Div Yield   Length / 365    IV
470 407.339996  65.525  17  0   0.008219178 1.3080322786580916
400 407.339996  14.375  3   0   0.008219178 1.2202688594244515
490 490.649994  17.35   17  0   0.046575342 0.4190594565249461

2 Answers


I managed to find a solution which is:

list_of_iv = []
#  Print out the results
for index, row in df.iterrows():
        iv = calc_put_iv(df["Stock Price"].iloc[index], df["Strike"].iloc[index], df["Length/365"].iloc[index],0.001,df["Div Yield"].iloc[index],df["Premium"].iloc[index],1e-8,1,0,1000,.5)
df['Put IV'] = pd.Series(list_of_iv)

Its quite ugly and probably not that efficient especially with larger datasets so i would really appreciate if anyone can improve on this.


You are right.

Did you want to do the calculation on each row of the df as df.iterrows()?

Otherwise, as it currently is, you're passing a series for each df['x'] call in your calc function therefore your epsilon and tol are actually a series and not an absolute value. Alternatively, the map function may be useful here to broadcast your functions.

#  Print out the results
df["IV"] = list([calc_put_iv(row[1], row[0], row[5],0.001,row[4],row[2],1e-8,1,0,1000,.5) for row in df.iterrows()])

Hard to tell what number the columns are from the dset, but it should look something like that if you want to pass 1 row at a time into your calculations.

itertuple can be used to sidestep renaming everything:

#  Print out the results
df["IV"] = list([calc_put_iv(df["Stock Price"], df["Strike"], df["Length / 365"],0.001,df["Div Yield"],df["Premium"],1e-8,1,0,1000,.5) for df in df.itertuples()])